Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Every once in a while, during our monotonous days, there's a quick snippet of life that is beautiful and miraculous.  It might be just a few seconds, just a snapshot, but it's a tiny piece of our life that brings me joy.

Here's a few happy snippets from our day:

-I finish nursing Chase before his nap and lay him in his crib.  He lies there, peacefully sucking his bink, as I walk to the doorway and hold the door open so everyone can leave.  First Cole files out, then Chloe, then Nala...a happy and quiet little procession.

- I'm dressing Chase in his pajamas before bedtime - it's one of his least favorite things, getting dressed.  He immediately starts to fuss as I pull his shirt over his head, so I start serenading him with "All the Pretty Little Horses".  He ceases fussing, his eyes watching me closely as I sing.  I love knowing just the right thing to do to help him feel better.

- Desperate for a shower, I put Chase down for his nap and ask Cole if he'd like to play while I shower.  "NO THANKS, MOM.  I WANT TO SPEND TIME WITH YOU. CAN I READ BOOKS IN THE CLOSET UNTIL YOU'RE DONE?"  I peek in our walk in closet after my shower, watching Cole happily flip the pages of his books.  I love that he still wants to spend all his time with me.  I cherish it because I know it won't always be so.

- I'm nursing Chase and observing his busy little hands.  They are always moving: stroking my neck, grabbing my nose, patting my cheek.  His pudgy, soft, starfish fingers traveling over my collarbone, occasionally smacking my face in excitement.  I lay him down when we're done (and his sweet little hands have brought his bink to his mouth) and watch as he rubs his face with those impossible tiny grasping fingers.

- It's our crazy time of day: 4:00 pm, everyone's tired, fussy, on edge, and eagerly waiting for Chris to get home and dinner.  I'm trying to hold onto my last shreds of patience while preparing dinner for everyone, but Chase is crying and clamoring to be held.  "Just a minute, Chasher!" I tell him.  But then Cole jumps in.  "IT'S OK, MOM.  I'LL TAKE CARE OF CHASE. I'VE GOT HIM."  He hands Chase a toy, then chooses a book and sits next to him, reading slowly and patiently so Chase can follow along.  My heart overfills as I watch Chase calm in the presence of his loving brother.

-Finally Chris arrives home.  My favorite part of the day is to watch our boys' faces when he walks in the door: each one lighting up when they see their daddy.  So much love.

Every snippet, all the bits and pieces that make up our day, there's the recurring feeling of love weaving its way through the threads of our lives.  When we dream of the future, we don't always think of the small things that will add up to equal our days... yet those are the moments that I often cherish the most.  I don't know when the last time Cole will wait in the closet while I shower will be.  I don't know if this time is the nursing session when Chase will no longer wave his little hands about.  So I cherish each special moment, the snippets that create our everyday.

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