Sunday, June 2, 2013

My Birthday Boy

My darling son,

Three years ago today, you arrived.

You were the most beautiful baby I've ever seen - perfectly shaped head, with just the right amount of dark hair and delicate features. 

Today, we sang you "Happy Birthday" as you awoke.  We wrestled and read books and played outside and even went out for frozen yogurt.  In short, it was a perfect day - full of love, family, and pure summer joy. 

Cole, words fail me when I try to explain to you how much you mean to us.  You are so kind and thoughtful.  You are incredibly brilliant.  You are quick to smile and laugh.  You so often find sweet little ways to think of and care for others that warms my heart. 

Three years ago today, you made me a mama.  You completed our lives and brought us so much more joy than we ever thought was possible. 

Thank you for being you, my son.  I can't wait to see what the next year has in store for us!

Love, Mama

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