Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Blah Kinda Day

So I've been feeling kinda blah lately. Had to go on iron pills because I'm anemic, which are making me feel nauseous almost constantly - in addition, of course, to the usual morning sickness which still has me puking every day (even though I'm in my 3rd trimester!!!!). And on top of that, I was lonely. I miss my mom, I miss my sister, and I miss my friends - a LOT. So I decided I needed to do something to get myself out of my funk.

I spent an hour or two just cuddling with my sweet puppies.

Then I cleaned the kitchen, because everything looks better with a clean kitchen (Yes, people, this qualifies as CLEAN in my book).
Then I finished organizing/folding/putting away the baby's clothes. Nothing like folding little tiny onesies and jeans to make me feel better!

I made dinner for my hubby and even cracked open a bottle of sparkling cider for myself - not quite as delicious as a nice glass of wine, but definately added a little sparkle (hah! Get it? Sparkle?) to my meal.

Yesterday when I was in my funk, my sweet hubby (who knows me so well) knew the trick was to take me shopping. So we went to Ross and I got two new maternity tops - YES!! Having outgrown every single one of my non-maternity shirts, I have had a somewhat limited wardrobe...I am so glad to have a couple new shirts!
And then to top it all off, there was this beautiful rainbow, right outside my front door this afternoon.
And, I planned a coffee date with a friend for tomorrow night when I'm subbing in Klamath and Chris and I are going to register at Target this weekend - I'm already feeling better!

1 comment:

  1. Aww, baby girl, I'm sorry you have been in a funk :( I know what you mean about missing your mom and sister (I miss mine too! ;)). There is nothing like a little mother/daughter shopping to pick up your mood when you're feeling down, and it's hard when family lives so far away. Anyway, I'm glad you're feeling a bit better, and just think, it can only get better from here on out! Mom and I will be visiting you soon, and then soon after that, baby boy will be here! Love you kiddo!


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