Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Crazy Pregnancy Dreams

I am not one of those people that usually remember my dreams. But, since I've been pregnant, I've had super vivid, realistic dreams that I remember when I wake up. Last night's was the strangest yet!

I had a dream that I was upstairs in our bedroom doing laundry and cleaning up, when all of a sudden I go into labor (yeah, that's the funny part - I should be so lucky, to go into labor "all of a sudden"). Since I'm alone, I decide to just wait it out, since I know I will probably be in labor for a while before I deliver. But, suddenly I realize that I'm in full on labor and the baby's coming! Out comes the baby (pain-free, I might add, and looking quite a bit like the perfect little babies that come out in movies) and there I am, up and about trotting around putting the baby in the moses basket (HAH!).

But, wait! Not done yet! Out pops another one! This one's a boy too (and just as pain free), so I quite calmly wrap this baby up and put him in the crib. My biggest concern at this point is thinking of a name for him (not at all fazed that I have twins when I thought I was only having one baby). But, WAIT! Here comes ANOTHER baby!!! Yes, triplets - and this one is a girl! Again, I am quite calm and collected and simply hop up and wrap the baby up and put this one in the crib too - completely unfazed. My biggest worry right now is that I specifically asked the ultrasound tech at the ultrasounds if we were having twins and I'm super upset that she never told us it was triplets. I call Chris and say, "Guess what, babe? I just had our babies - we had triplets!"

And then I woke up. What a weird dream!!! Let me tell you, I would NOT be this calm and collected if suddenly I found out we were having triplets...not to mention the COMPLETELY unrealistic labor that I had in dreamland. Not that I wouldn't mind having a pain-free labor and delivery, but I'm not THAT misguided on how labor works! Just as long as it's not triplets, I'm pretty sure I can handle anything! :)

1 comment:

  1. That is a strange dream. Count your blessing though, at least you gave birth to three beautiful, picture-perfect babies. A few of my girlfriends that are expecting have shared their dreams with me and they're more along the lines of tramatic events with little alien babies. Either way though, I'm sure you'd love your baby, even if was a cute little alien. hee hee.


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