Sunday, September 19, 2010

Post-baby body

Call me vain, but one of the things I was really concerned about when I was pregnant with Cole was my post-baby body.  Let's face it, with women like Heidi Klum and Gisele Bundchen who look like they never even had a baby six weeks later, there's quite a bit of pressure to do the same.

I wasn't expecting to look fabulous right away.  And I wasn't going to give myself a hard time about it, either.  I mean, I just grew a human, for goodness' sake!  I was intensely proud of what my body could do. 

Thanks (unfortunately) to my little man's habit of making me throw up every day, I gained very little weight and was at my pre-baby weight less than a week after having him - but my waistline was another story.  And still is another story. I have stretch marks in places I didn't know you could even get stretch marks.

But you know what? I love my son and I'm a great mama whether I still fit into the jeans I wore in high school or not.  And every time I look in the mirror I see a mother, the person I always wanted to be, not a woman with a wide waistline.

And Cole doesn't care either.

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