Friday, April 27, 2012

a love story

10 years ago today, I kissed my now-husband for the first time.

I still remember the first moment I saw Chris.  It was 7th grade (15 years ago! OMG!), 3rd period band.  I noticed a saxophone player from across the room - kinda short, with the classic bowl-cut hair and wearing a 49ers jersey (yes, his fanhood goes back that far!).  He looked nice, but I didn't take particular notice...I didn't know then that that boy would become my husband.

Years passed.  We moved in similar social circles, with mutual friends.  I dated one of his buddies, he dated a friend of mine.  But my senior year, I suddenly realized how much I looked forward to seeing him every day - how he made me laugh, how comfortable I felt talking to him, how he was so kind and good-natured.  But how could a boy as cool as him ever notice me?  He had girls lined up wanting to ask him out.

But then, one day, he asked me to prom.  Oh, how excited I was.  It was going to be the best prom ever.  I chose my dress (a sage green long gown), went to the salon with a bunch of girlfriends to get our hair done in elaborate updo's, then hurried home so my mom could help me apply my makeup, while my dad snapped pictures.

The doorbell rang.  Chris and his best friend Josh (of course we went as a group with all our friends) stepped inside.  Chris in his tux was as handsome as I'd ever seen him.

As we drove to dinner, I popped a CD in the car stereo - my best friend and her boyfriend had made it for us..."theme music" they told us.  To set the mood.  It had a single song on it - "Kiss the Girl", from Disney's "Little Mermaid". 

The night that followed was perfect.  We danced, laughed with friends, ate chocolate covered strawberries.  But the very best part didn't happen until the last song of the night.

The DJ regretfully announced that the next song would be the last.  As we danced slowly together, I thought about how much fun we'd had and how much I didn't want it to end...the music started to trail off and the lights began to go up - Chris leaned toward me - he kissed me.

It was fairy tale, romantic comedy, movie-musical perfect.

I didn't know then it would be my last first kiss.  I didn't know I would marry this boy, bear his child, live with and love him.  But I knew it was a beginning of something pretty amazing.

I was right. :)

Happy First Kiss-aversary, babe.  You're my favorite.



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