Friday, November 20, 2009

Decisions, decisions

You know, I've always felt extremely prepared for motherhood. I've gotten "Parents" magazine since I was fifteen. I done research. I've talked to friends. I've checked Consumer Reports for the best in baby gear. I've searched yard sales high and low for the best and cheapest clothes and necessities. I have a degree in Early Childhood and Elementary Education, for goodness' sake.

But, I was not prepared for all the DECISIONS that have to be made! It's crazy! Things I didn't even know you had a choice about! And so many of them could be so IMPORTANT! What if I make the wrong decision? Like, do we want Chris to cut the cord, or the doctor to do it? Now, it seems like a not so big deal right now, but maybe ten years from now there will be a research project that concludes that babies whose fathers don't cut the cord have lower IQ or become serial killers or something.

So of course, this trickles down to even the smallest decisions I make becoming a big deal. Oops, I ate a brownie - uh oh, does that mean the baby will never eat vegetables and only eat brownies it's whole life? Oh crap, I was standing in front of the microwave while it was on - did I accidentally zap the baby? Am I drinking enough milk so the baby doesn't develop osteoporosis later in life? And don't get me started on all the dog hair I'm sure I ingest on a daily basis (no, not on purpose, silly. It's just everywhere cause I hate vacuuming). Maybe that will mean the baby will be allergic to dogs.

And then getting down to baby gear. Which car seat is safest? Which one comes with a travel system? What kind of high chair - one that reclines or one that doesn't (which, by the way, why would anyone want a reclining high chair? wouldn't that make it more likely for the baby to choke?)? Organic or not? Cloth diaper or disposable? Crib or co-sleeper? Binky or thumb? THE DECISIONS ARE ENDLESS, PEOPLE!!! And the poor kid is still in vitro - what if I screw up every decision before the poor unsuspecting bugger is even born?

I guess the only thing to do is to not stress about every little decision. To trust in my own insticts as a parent, and to know that kids are generally pretty resilient little things. Or I could just ask Chris to make all the decisions. And then blame it on him when the kid comes out allergic to dogs.


  1. Lol, Mandy, I love you so much! I am so glad you are my sister. If it makes you feel any better, I have the same exact tendency to worry about the little things like that. All I can say is, you really don't NEED to worry so much! Your baby will be perfect, it will be healthy, and it will be loved. Everything else is just cherries :) And I seriously doubt that your baby will be allergic to dog hair just because you have a lot of it around ;). Love you babe!

  2. This baby has one special Momma! It's okay and totally natural to be concerned with all the little things. You know what it means? It means you're going to be one heck of a great Mom! We don't come with instruction booklets, but some how we all turn out just hunky dory. And I have a funny feeling that you're little munchkin will have a wonderful life all thanks to you and your hubby!


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