Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Call me picky, but...

Ok, there really is no "but". I'm just picky. I'm picky about a lot of things for Baby Boy (hey, I waited patiently for 5 years to have this baby, I'm allowed to be a little picky!) - but nothing compares to how picky I am with this subject:

The going-home-from-the-hospital outfit.

It has to be just right. It has to be PERFECT!

I don't care that we live 3 minutes away from the hospital. I don't care that he'll probably puke, pee, poop, or all three in the outfit. I don't care that he doesn't care what he's wearing. Doesn't matter a bit to me - this outfit has got to be perfect!

The only problem is, I can't find it. I have searched high and low. I have scoured department stores and Ross, TJ Maxx and baby boutiques, even my old favorites Gymboree and Baby Gap, to no avail.

Part of the problem might be that I don't know exactly what I have in mind. It's one of those magical "I'll know it when I see it" kind of things. The harps will play, the light will shine down, the "Hallelujah Chorus" just might start. I know I want it to be cream, brown, or light blue. It's got to be a one-piece, so there's nothing irritating his cord stump. Probably should be long sleeved with long pants to keep him warm enough. But that's all the criteria I have for what I want... I have WAY more criteria for what I DON'T want!!

This going home outfit can't be just a simple Carters onesie. It's got to be special. It's got to say "I am the most loved baby on the face of the earth."

I tell this to Chris as we are frantically searching the racks at the store. He rolls his eyes and tells me it's more impossible to find a going-home outfit than to find socks for my mom (she's really picky about her socks). I tell this to my sister and she sighs and tells me I'm picky. I tell this to my mom and she (ever-practical) reminds me that he'll probably just stain it.

Aw, heck with it...maybe it will be warm enough that he just come home in his diaper. I'm sure I couldn't put him in anything that's cuter than his soft baby skin!

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