Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Complaining Post

Can I just complain here for a minute?

Pregnancy is not a piece of cake. I am currently lying on the sofa, under doctor's (Dr. Chris) orders, with my feet up and an ice pack on them. This, after collapsing into tears while trying to put shoes on my poor swollen feet.

Swollen does not even begin to describe my feet. Is there a word that means more than swollen? Super-swollen? Super-duper-swollen? Mom and I literally tried on EVERY pair of shoes in several stores when she was here, trying to find a pair that would fit over these elephant feet of mine... found two pairs, but as it is currently raining and both were open-toed, neither works at the moment.

I can't wear any shoes. No crocs. No flip flops. Nothing. And my feet are so sore and swollen it is agony if something touches them.

It's so bad that I have hard time flexing my feet enough to go up and down the stairs.

And speaking of just how fun pregnancy is, don't even get me started on the whole morning sickness issue. I have thrown up EVERY SINGLE STINKING DAY (at least once) of my ENTIRE PREGNANCY!!!!!!!!! no joke. every day.

I know. It's crazy. It's just not right.

And then the heartburn.

And the leg cramps.

And the peeing constantly.

And the not sleeping.

And the hip pain.

And when he kicks me behind the ribcage. Ouch!


Ok. All complaining aside, I'm working hard to keep this in perspective. Baby Boy is super healthy. I'm doing fine. Things could be a LOT worse. I have really had a relatively easy pregnancy.

But, boy oh boy, I will be glad when this little guy pops out and I can have my feet back and my bladder back and my body back. And I swear, if I have anything to do with it, I will NEVER throw up again.

However... Baby Boy is worth it, a million trillion billion times over.

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