Monday, April 26, 2010

I'm getting sleepy

Ladies and gentlemen, sleep has left the building. I'm afraid it will never come back. A few weeks ago, I thought to myself, "I can't wait to have this baby so I can finally get a good night's sleep!" But then I realized that after I have the baby, I will HAVE the baby... Newborns are not conducive to a good night's sleep!

Why no sleep, you ask? Well, let's see...maybe it's because of the whole peeing-every-freakin-two-hours situation. It seems that as soon as I get to sleep, I have to wake up again to trudge downstairs to pee! And then there's the wide variety of positions I can sleep in... on my right side, or on my left side! And just when I'm starting to drift off, Baby Boy decides to start stretching and grooving.

And of course, there's the unbelievable excitement. You remember back when you're eight years old and it's Christmas Eve and you've been waiting and waiting for Christmas morning for months and you're sooooo excited you can't sleep? Well, it's like that... except it's Christmas, birthday, and the last day of school all rolled into one - times a million. That's about how excited I am.

I guess I'll take the lack of sleep as practice for when Baby Boy comes... he's worth it! :)

1 comment:

  1. hi i was looking up some baby rooms on google and it pulled up a pic that was on your blog and i got sucked in to your post... i couldnt stop reading your post and following you in your pregnancy... and now that your at the end of your pregnancy it was like reading a book that somebody ripped out the last chapter.. lol.. so i cant wait to read how baby boy makes his grand entrance.. congradulations to you both, from what i can see your going to make a great mother... and keep up the sewing projects they are amazing.. i really love the football you made... too adorable! Take care!


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