Monday, April 11, 2011

Patience and Love

One of the most difficult parts of parenting I've encountered so far has nothing to do with Cole.  It has to do with me.

With reining myself, my excitement in.

I am SO EXCITED to be a mama.  I've been waiting almost my whole life to be a mama.  I've been dreaming about things we would do, places we would go, experiences and events Cole and I would do.

But I've realized something.

I've realized how much better it is to wait.

I want Cole to be able to discover things on his own.  I want him to feel that pride and joy that comes along with creating and discovering, to know that sense of independence.  I want him to know that he can accomplish something without the help of a grown-up.

I read a beautiful and moving story today - about a mama who was strong and patient enough to allow her son to accomplish something when he was ready.  Even though she was excited for him to go down the slide, to play according to her plan and her idea of what play was, she didn't help him, or force him, or even encourage him to slide.  All she did was stand back and let him choose what was right for him at that time.

We wouldn't throw someone into the water before they were ready to swim, regardless of age.  We wouldn't force someone to skydive, or bungee jump, or rappel off a tall cliff if they didn't feel ready.  Why should we do that with infants and children?  And how much prouder of ourselves do we feel when it's OUR idea to try something new?

I take these words to heart:

"It was so hard to resist the temptation to help him — hurry him at the top, sit him down on his bottom, and pick him up and take him away to a safer location. It was hard not to coax him up the slide again, to watch him do his new skill over and over again.
But if I had, I would have missed the opportunity to see what he could do. I would have missed an opportunity to let him discover his own capabilities. I would have missed an opportunity to show him I trust him to figure out the things that are important to him, in his life, in his moment.
And I would have missed the opportunity to show him I love him right now, just the way he is."

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