Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Am I the only one out there tempted to put their mobile (and klutzy) baby into one of these?

(Maybe some knee wrist pads/guards too.).

If I had a dollar for every time Cole bonked his head, I would be a millionaire.

But the hard part is knowing just when to let your baby be a baby and take some bumps and bruises.  Much as I'd like to wrap him up in bubble wrap until he's a bit more steady on his feet, it's not really feasible.  (All the other babies would make fun of him).  I don't want to be a helicopter parent, with constant sounds of "NO!", but I want Cole to be as safe as possible.  I don't want Cole to grow up believing that it's not ok to take risks, to try to do things and fail, to explore. I don't want him to learn to walk with me right behind him, catching him if he falls - I WANT him to have those experiences, of falling and getting right back up.  Of getting a little hurt and maybe a little scared, but still trying new things.

But I don't want any rush trips to the ER either.

Whew...the more I learn about this parenting gig, the more I believe it's all about finding the right balance.

Anyone else struggle with finding balance in their parenting?  Or anyone else give in and just break out the bubble wrap?


  1. You know, as much as I hate Mason's helmet (which he has for medical reasons) I have to admit that I LOVE it's timing in his life - I can't count the number of times that he's avoided bumps, bruises, and goose eggs because of it and find myself holding my breath during the hour a day that it's off, worrying he's going to throw himself against the wall or floor with reckless abandon without the "protection" he's use to.

    I too, don't want to be one endless "No don't do that!!" after another but it's so hard!

  2. I think at this age, it's okay to be a helicopter momma :) He's not going to remember it, and he'll hopefully avoid some bonks and bruises! This whole mommy thing is crazy. I've never lost so much sleep, been so in love, pulled out so much hair or been barfed on/snotted on/kissed on/coughed on/loved on than now! :D

    Phinneas is now crawling all over the place and starting to pull up so "No Phinneas!" is pretty much echoing through my house all day...until nap time at least :)


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