Thursday, December 8, 2011

Cole + Candles

You know, most kids have some sort of "security" blanket.  It might be a lovey, a blanky, a special toy...

my son has candles.

No, not lit candles, what kind of a mother do you think I am?

For some crazy reason, Cole has an extreme love affair with candles.  Big ones, small ones, unscented ones, colored ones, white ones, candles in a jar, floating candles... you get the picture.

The other day I could not get him to nap until I let him fall asleep with a candle nestled in his crib next to him. (What? You don't fall asleep with your head on a hard, cold, glass candle? Maybe YOU'RE the strange one...)

Most days he refuses to leave the house without holding onto a candle, in his stroller or carseat.  Cole will grab a candle to hold while I'm reading him a story or changing his diaper. If we are in a store and he spies a candle, he'll sniff loudly and enthusiastically until I wheel the cart over to let him smell it...or a whole aisle full.  He spends at least an hour a day smelling his collection of candles, or stacking and moving them around.

I know.  My child is so strange.  But he loves candles and they make him happy...and that makes me happy!

1 comment:

  1. Ha, that's too cute! That will be a fun story to share with him someday. Madeline is scared of candles, lit or unlit.


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