Friday, March 30, 2012

Rainy Day + Froggie Boots

Cole has been in LOVE with his froggy rain boots (a Christmas gift) for months.  Earlier this week while perusing the aisles in WalMart, Cole spied a very adorable froggy umbrella and pointed enthusiastically at it, saying "BOO! BOO! (boots) WIBBIT! WIBBIT! (ribbit)". 

Of course I bought it for him.  How could I say no when he says "WIBBIT!" ?

And let me tell you, those two rainy day items have come in handy lately!  Rain, rain, and more rain.  We haven't seen the sun in at least two weeks. Ridiculous.

But at least it's been perfect opportunity to go to the park to take some pictures in the rain:

 This little boy of mine...he is SO much like me!  He likes to observe and watch carefully before doing anything new.  It took a bit of convincing, but he discovered that it was ok to splash in the puddles:

 He got pretty good at it :)

 I took almost 200 pictures, but had to toss out over half because they were blurry!  This toddler MOVES!  My mad camera skillz just can't keep up with this little guy:

 Here's to making the best of rainy days!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cute!!! I've had a "thing" for those toddler froggy boots ever since I first saw them and had I not ended up getting Mason a pair of blue rainboots on clearance for $3 at Kohls, we'd probably have frog boots in every size by now. Instead, I'll have to live the adorableness of frog boots (and matching umbrella!) through your blog. Swoon!


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