Saturday, May 19, 2012


My son is without a doubt, the cutest little person EVER.

Lately, he's into kisses.  Giving, not receiving.  Anything he thinks is cool or awesome, gets a kiss.

Much to my happiness, this includes me several times a day.  I milk this for all it's worth, because I know there will be a day when little boy kisses will not be quite so abundant.

But the adorable kisses also extend to just about anything.  Nala and Chloe? They get loud smacking kisses several times a day (whether they want them or not).  A book with something very cool (usually an animal)? We have several slobber marks on pages Cole deemed worthy of his smooches.  A car - or even better, a TRUCK (CHUCG!) going down our road - get several loud "MWAH!"s in their general direction.  Even random objects that somehow please him get kisses - his potty seat? (clean, don't worry).  Dad's deodorant?  all have been kissed.

The cutest kiss so far?  Yesterday morning, when we spied a helicopter (ELL-COP) out our window.  Cole was THRILLED and enthusiastically smiled and waved his friendliest wave - then planted a smacking "MWAH!!" on the window for the helicopter's benefit.

I think the helicopter thought it was adorable too. :)

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