Friday, June 25, 2010

Dear Baby,

Dear Cole,

Next week we are going to Pennsylvania. I just can't wait for you to meet these wonderful people:

These beautiful people are your great-grandparents, Great-Grammy and Great-Grandpap. Your Great-Grammy is one of the most beautiful people, inside and out, that I will ever have the priviledge of knowing. She is kind and thoughtful and generous, but spunky and fun as well. She's the type of lady your Mama wants to be like! And your Great-Grandpap has an amazing sense of humor - but what I remember most about him is how well he treats your Great-Grammy and takes care of her with so much love. He is an excellent example to you of how you should always treat ladies in your life.

This lady here is your Great Grandma Barbara. She's so excited to meet you! I have a feeling the two of you will have a lot of fun together - she's the type of Grandma who will turn around on the highway to drive over the bumps in the road again (the ones that make your tummy tickle) just because you asked her to. She'll let you eat candy that will rot your teeth. She's got a special way of keeping a young outlook on life... I think the two of you will get along great!

Your daddy and I hope you always know and appreciate your extended family. We hope you know how fortunate you are to have so many loving generations in your young life. They have so much to teach you! We can't wait to see what special memories you will make with each of them.

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