Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Don't worry, no pictures with this post

Being a mother changes you. In more ways than I can count already.

Take, for example, my modesty. I was always very modest. You know those girls in the YMCA pool locker room that dress and undress themselves from underneath a towel, even though it is extremely awkward and takes at least twice as long? Yup, that was me.

Not anymore.

Not since giving birth in full view of an audience of no less than 10 people (yes, even though I was in the throes of painful contractions, I still had the presence of mind to count, because I could not BELIEVE I was actually letting all these people watch me like a TV show).

Not since having to pee in front of a nurse after giving birth, so she can pour water on me to ease the BURNING PAIN that is peeing after pushing out an 8 1/2 pound baby.

And not since breastfeeding a baby. No less than 20 people in the past two weeks have examined my boobs and/or nipples (and sometimes complimented me - "Oh honey, you've got GREAT nipples!").

And the weird thing is, I don't really care. I am proud to breastfeed my child, not embarrassed. I am glad to have people examine my nipples if it means they can help me feed my child better.

And having ten people watch me give birth? I got the best thing of all out of that - and if it meant I had to have a thousand people watch for us to have our son, then it would be worth it a hundred times over.

1 comment:

  1. This post had me chuckling because it describes me too! It felt like every doctor, nurse, CNA, and janitor in the hospital saw everything about me! But the good news is that the older Cole gets, the more your modesty returns :) Thank you for the laugh today!


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