Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Cole has a slight obsession with my underwear.

Now that I actually typed that sentence out, I realize how creepy that sounds.

But truly, it's not a creepy weird obsession - he just likes small bits of fabric to pull around.  He loves going into my underwear drawer and pulling them out and toting them all over the house.  He also loves when I do laundry, so he can snatch them up when I'm unloading the dryer.

Oh, if I could only be in the mind of my toddler for just one day...

So anyway, if you ever come over to my house unannounced...there may be panties all over.  And no, I'm not some weirdo - it's just my inquisitive toddler.  You've been warned.

1 comment:

  1. So funny! Our dog Pinkerton is also obsessed with underwear. I can't tell you how many times I've found it in embarrassing places!


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