Sunday, October 10, 2010

oh sleep, how I miss thee

oh sleep, how I miss thee. 

There are only a few things I miss about my pre-baby life: reading, yard sales, and SLEEP.

I was always one of those people that needed A LOT of sleep.  We're talking seven hours as an absolute MINIMUM.  Ten was ideal.  If I didn't get my seven hours...well, let's just say I wasn't going to win any Miss Congeniality awards (just ask my husband). 

Enter Baby Boy.

Yeah, they SAY newborns sleep 20 hours a day.  Obviously, whoever says that has never actually HAD a newborn for 24 hours straight. 

Cole would wake up every 2 hours to nurse.  And nurse for 45 minutes to an hour each time.  And then I'd get him back down to sleep, fall asleep for 15 minutes, and awake to his hungry cries, to blearily start all over again.

Even though it's a lot better now, I am ALWAYS TIRED.  24/7, tired.  And you know what really kills me?  When I say good morning and someone proceeds to tell me how tired they are.  Oh, you're tired, huh?  Oh, I'm SO SORRY you only got 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep last night because you stayed up late to finish a movie.  YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TIRED MEANS!!

Now, if I get four or five hours of sleep per night, I am one happy camper.  Still tired, but at least able to function with some semblence of humanity. I never thought I would be saying that four hours of sleep makes me happy - oh how babies change us!

The moral of this story?  If you don't have kids, STOP READING RIGHT NOW AND GO SLEEP WHILE YOU CAN!  If you do have kids, WHY ARE YOU READING THIS?  STOP READING AND GO SLEEP!

And don't worry: my baby is totally worth not ever having a good night's sleep again.  Just don't ask me that at 3 am when I've had no sleep.

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