Friday, May 7, 2010

What, earthmuffin?

I admit it. My name is Mandy, and I am a wannabe hippie-earthmuffiny-green lovin' environmentalist. (But I do shave my armpits...and my legs when I'm not 9 months pregnant!)

I'm not one of those crazy people that chain themselves to trees or anything, but I LOVE taking care of the environment. I try to do the best I can to make the smallest impact on our earth.

So here's the thing: diapers. Not to get up on my soapbox or anything, but babies go through a TON of diapers before they are potty trained. And those diapers go in the trash. Which goes to a landfill. And there they sit, for billions of years.

This stresses me out.

So, ever since I found out we were going to have a baby, I've been researching and researching cloth diaper options - with, of course, the support of my amazing hubby. The conversation, I believe, went somewhat like this:

Me: "Hey babe, I think we should cloth diaper."
Chris: "Sure, sounds good."

Yeah, he's awesome. I was even all prepared with a list of "studies show" and statistics to convince him of the monetary value of disposable vs cloth... no need. He's totally on board. Which is more than I can say for a lot of people. The looks I get from folks when I announce we're going to use cloth is along the same lines of the looks I get when I say I'm going for a natural birth - the eye rolling, nodding the head sympathetically, and the muttering "Yeah, right!" as they walk away.

But they underestimate my extreme stubborness. When I get an idea in my head, good or bad, it's there permanently. Even if the world is completely against cloth diapering, I will prevail.

So if anyone has any cloth diapering techniques, tricks, or brands that really worked for them, let me know! I'm open to any suggestions to prove those doubters wrong!


  1. Hi, you don't know me, so this is kind of weird, but I ran across your blog while blog surfing. I knew your husband in school for like a term, so it's really not all that weird, and you apparently know my sister-in-law because she did Beauty and the Beast and said you guys were cool. Okay, I'm rambling and sounding weird! I apologize. I'm not a crazy, stalker person or anything, just a pregnant mom with an almost 3 year old! :)

    I heard that tea tree oil works good on cloth diapers when they start to get really scuzzy. I have cousins who use them, so if you don't get any more tips or anything I can ask them.

  2. Hey Mandy,

    Long time no chat. This is Jen(ny) Witt (now Spoerke). If you want to know about cloth diapers, the best advise I can give you is this:

    The next time you are at Peterson Elementary, ask my mom (Robin Witt in the main office). She used cloth with my sister (and possibly all of us) when strapped for cash. I remember her washing them in the toilet - it was disgusting - before putting them in the washer. I'm sure she'll be able to give you some do's and don't's.

    Have fun, and congratulations on Baby Boy.

  3. Thanks for your comments and suggestions, everyone!!! I really appreciate any help and it's so nice to know some people read our blog! Thank you!!

  4. I should make you talk to my sister in law, she's all about the cloth diapers...i'll email her for some tips or something


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