Tuesday, June 21, 2011

If I had to pick just one thing I couldn't live without, it just might be my water bottle with pop-up runner's straw.
You guys, I LOVE this water bottle.  I currently have about eighteen of them in my cupboard.  Something about the double layer design that prevents condensation on the outside, the pop-up straw (a nice feature since I once had a kindergarten student come up to a non-pop-up-straw water bottle of mine and drink from it...ewww), and of course, the awesome colors. I think having the straw makes me drink more water, since I'm so lazy that apparently tilting a bottle is too much work.

I love this water bottle so much that I had a student tell me one time, "I know when you're coming to sub in our class because I see your water bottle on the desk!"

Yes, they rock that much.

And apparently Cole thinks so too - he LOVES drinking from these water bottles.  Sometimes he'll take a drink even when he's not thirsty and spit all the water down his front, just for the pure pleasure of sucking water up the straw.

It's adorable.

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