Thursday, June 2, 2011

my one year old

Dear Cole,

One year ago today, I woke up and found that my water had broken. 

All the anticipation, the eagerness to meet you, came to a head.

I remember using your sonogram photograph as my focal point during my strongest labor contractions.  It was the only thing that kept me focused - the thought that I would soon be meeting you.

I always had high expectations for motherhood.  I had high expectations for how much your daddy and I would love and adore you.  I had high expectations for how sweet, fun, and adorable you would be.

My darling boy, you have far surpassed any and all my expectations.  You bring me so much more joy than I would have thought was possible a year ago.  You bring me laughter.  You make me proud with your perserverance, your intensity, your generous smiles, your kindness. 

You are amazing, my son.  And while this birthday marks an end to your babyhood and the beginning of your toddlerhood, you will always be my firstborn, my sweet little baby who first made me a mama. 

I love you with all my heart.

Love, Mama

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