Monday, June 13, 2011

Love makes a family

Now, I am sooo not into controversy.  Someone starts talking politics?  I flee the room so fast I become a blur.  I HATE people not being in agreement - which tends to happen quite often in my small town (my point of view is usually the minority).

But when Kayla posted this, something about this story really got to me and I felt compelled to share, even at the risk of offending someone.  I truly hold with the belief that LOVE is what makes a family - and how could adopting unwanted children ever be the wrong thing to do?

2 dads, 12 happy kids

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you, 100%. One thing I will NEVER understand is what the people who are against gay marriage and adoption are afraid of. How does allowing a child who might otherwise not have any kind of family or home be adopted by a homosexual individual (or couple) threaten THEM in any way? I hope (and believe) that in 40 years time, we will look back on this issue as the civil rights fight of our day, and look at those who are homophobic in the same way we look at those who are racist.


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