Thursday, June 16, 2011

What Cole's been up to:

Here's a sneaky peek at some of the stuff we've been up to lately around here:

  • Cole had his one year pediatrician appointment.  He weights 21.5 pounds (24th percentile), is 30 inches long (45th percentile), and has an 18 inch head (75th percentile!) Yup, he's my little dandelion boy, tall and skinny with a big head.
  • Woe is me, Cole has started to climb!!!!!!
  • He's been lifting weights lately... you know, he's got to impress the ladies and all:
  • Lately, Cole's been "talking" to the dogs in this really adorable high-pitched voice - it's a voice he uses just for the dogs! ADORABLE!
  • I am so thrilled that he has finally started to put some things back IN after taking them OUT from wherever they were.  They might not make it back in the same spot he took them from (thus why our television remote was in the basket where I keep his hats), but you know, beggars can't be choosers!
  • I occasionally have to check to make sure Cole has not turned into a giant blueberry (like what's-her-name from "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) because he eats so.many.blueberries.  I can't get him to stop.  As we put the GIANT container of blueberries in our cart at Costco, I had to literally hold Cole down to stop him from lunging for them.  His little butt is dyed blue from his blue poop as a result of said blueberries.  I think he's obsessed.
  • When Cole smiles, his whole entire face lights up like you would not believe.  His eyes scrunch up, he looks into your eyes with this ridiculously wide smile, and it's impossible not to smile back!
  • The quickest way to make Cole smile lately? (Other than to give him a handful of blueberries?) Let him open the refrigerator and freezer doors.  He is IN LOVE with handles - anything that lets him open and close something.  Who knew?

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