Monday, June 6, 2011

Cole's First Birthday Party: The Details

One of my favorite parts about Cole's birthday party? (Other than my little mister turning one, of course!) All the cute little details I spent so many months preparing.

I have to admit, I'm a little bit of a Martha Stewart wannabe.  I just love it when things are put together just right and organized to a T.  So I spent quite some time putting together little details to make Cole's birthday party extra-special.

1. The birthday banner:

A special shout-out to my mom and father-in-law who very creatively hung the banner on the bench so all my hard work wouldn't be wasted!  I just loved this birthday banner - and it cost just a few dollars in paper to make.  I watched for sales on scrapbook paper, printed the letters off the computer, and traced dinner plates to make the big circles. 

2. The personalized water bottles:

These also turned out so cute.  I saved all the leftover scraps from the banner and used them to make the individual labels - it was time-consuming, but not overly so.

3. The cake, cake stand, cupcakes, and cupcake stand:

I had originally planned to make Cole's cake, but at last minute we decided it would be worth the stress-free easiness of just buying a cake and cupcakes.  I personalized each with picks with the elephants and dressed up the simple cakes with a cupcake stand and my homemade cake stand.

4. The bib:

This was the easiest thing I made - I just traced one of Cole's bibs, sewed on an elephant,  stitched it, topstitched it, added velcro and voila!  It was a perfect finishing touch.

5.  The favors:

I am so not a fan of the cheap plastic-y icky favors that sometimes are handed out at birthday parties - they are more often than not tossed in the trash as soon as you are home.  Originally, I had purchased an adorable elephant cookie cutter and was going to make sugar cookies, but time ran away from me, so we did circus peanuts instead.  I purchased the cellophane bags at Michael's and made all the labels with leftover scrap paper.  They turned out even cuter than I expected!

6.  The table:

My mom found the most perfect and amazing outdoor vinyl tablecloths at Big Lots, which we used to dress up the picnic table.  We also had pretty pitchers of lemonade and pink lemonade, matching blue bowls for chips and pretzels, and outdoor metal buckets filled with ice for the water bottles.  Being an incredibly matchy-matchy person, I was in seventh heaven with how well everything matched together!

7. The outfit:

This was Cole's Easter outfit, but it was just too adorable to not reuse, especially considering our elephant theme!

So there you have it - all in all, including the cake, I spent less than $50 on everything.  And yes, I am already planning next year's party :)

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