Sunday, August 1, 2010

10 things I'm not too proud of

1. I am terrible, horrible, awful at returning calls and making calls to people I don't know.  For some reason I just have a mental block about it.  
2. When I'm driving, I swear a lot.  I don't get road rage or anything, I just have a potty mouth.  This is something I've been working on really hard since Cole came!

3. I have REALLY expensive taste in clothes.  Banana`Republic, Anthropologie, Gap, Ann Taylor, White House/Black Market, and j. crew are some of my faves.  All stores that are quite out of our price range, so I tend to just stare longingly at the window displays and feel dissatisfied.

4. I am`also extremely cheap, which is why you don't see me buying clothes at any of the above places.  Chris and I will be at a yard sale and he'll ask me, "Are you going to offer less?" and of course the answer is always yes - he'll be so embarassed he'll go wait in the car.

5. I'm supposed to wear a retainer when I sleep, to keep my top teeth from growing apart (I had braces).  Unfortunately, whenever I can find it (not often) I always take it out as soon as I fall asleep because it is so uncomfortable.  Also, it makth me talk with a lithp and I thound like a two year old... very thexy!

6. In a word: Procrastination.  I LOVE to procrastinate.  Especially on the computer.  I'll get on to do something very specific and then oh look! is having a sale, and then maybe I'll just check out facebook to see what's new with everyone, and then a blog with tips on children's photography has a new post... you get the idea. 

7. While I love to quilt and sew and craft in every way, I'm not always the best at finishing said projects.  That said, I am doing better than I used to... but I have a feeling that with Cole here I may slip back into my old unfinished ways.  Priorities, you know.

8.  I'm really, really sensitive.  It can be a really good thing - I think it's what makes me a good mom and a good teacher - but it can also get me in trouble sometimes.

9.  I make lists.  All.the.time. It's compulsive. For every teeny little thing I have to do sometime in the near future, I put it on a list.  This can be a good thing...however, I often spend more time making a list than DOING the stuff on my list.  Chris loves to make fun of me for this.

10. I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE going to the dentist.  It is my least favorite thing to do in the world. So I don't go as often as I should.

I guess I still have a ways to go to be the woman I want to be.  But the good thing is, it's always good to start with a list!

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